I dearly love Clear for iPhone and Mac. What’s there is solid and elegant and FAST. But features are missing that I realize I can’t live without (see below for full list of pros & cons). NOTE: This is a joint review of Clear 1.1.7 for Mac AND Clear 1.7.4 for iPhone. They were designed to be used together. This cross-device capability was a requirement for me, and I have used them together. Thus, they warrant a review together.
WHY CARE ABOUT THIS REVIEW? I’m a professional software usability expert. I worship sources like Consumer Reports for trying to say how easy something is going to be to use, in addition to other factors like reliability, etc. I have a lot of projects, and lead a busy life. I’ve used Clear exclusively for 2+ years, and have tried out many Mac + iPhone To Do List apps before settling on Clear: Apple iCal (later Calendar, now Calendar + Reminders) OmniFocus 1, ToodleDo, ToDo, Google Wunderlist, Fantastical 2, Google gTasks, Timeful, Workflowy, Carrot and a few others. I have read reviews of countless other apps. Before Clear I used Omnifocus v1 (OF1) for 3+ years. I liked OF1’s support for GTD but task input took a long time, and OF2 costs $80 JUST TO TRY on Mac+iPhone. (!) Before OF1 I used iCal and its children — until discovering that pre-iCloud MobileMe could only sync ~100 tasks btwn devices. After that, iCal sync just broke. Before iPhone, I used (and loved) Palm PDAs and their task management apps — and their ability to sync with my Mac.
+ Basic features are very easy to use
+ Really fast to use for most purposes (adding, editing, deleting & completing a task, moving a task up or down in a list, managing lists)
+ Ability to create, edit, manage & delete multiple lists of tasks
+ Sync between Mac & iPhone Clear (this has gotten MUCH more robust in recent releases. It used to be a lot more flaky.)
+ Ability to batch-create a number of items in sequencefast and easily eliminates concept of the “Inbox” of other, more complex ToDo list apps
+ A task can be short or really, really long, retain imported bullets and other basic formatting, and even new paragraphs (OPTION + Enter)
+ Effortless and fast to add due date / time to any task
+ Brief, 1-line tasks aren’t dwarfed by much longer items on Clear for iPhone, which only shows the 1st 5 lines when task is not selected
+ Ability to show multiple lists at the same time on Clear for Mac (COMMAND + T to "tear off" the current list into a new window)
+ Ability to add multiple items to a list (copy items from another source, separated by paragraph; select the desired list in Clear, but don’t start a new item; paste)
+ Effortless to drag and drop items on the Mac from one list to another—as long as you know that you can show multiple lists (COMMAND + T)
– No way to find anything via Search in Clear for Mac or iPhone. My lists can grow long, and sometimes items can be misfiled or not fit clearly in one category.
– The way to create a new item on Clear differs between platforms, leading to frustration when I try to use a strategy on the wrong device. For iPhone you drag down on the top of a list, or "reverse pinch" to open up a space between items. For Mac, neither two-fingered scrolling at the top of a list nor reverse pinching with the cursor between items works. You either press Enter or dwell your cursor at the border between items, then wait for a few seconds, to open up a space between them. To me, Clear is about speed, and NOT about waiting a few seconds. Also, trying to use strategy A on device B is called an “AB-AC mapping error" in Usability parlance.
– On Clear for iPhone, pinching to collapse a list into the "list of lists" can sometimes unintentionally delete a task instead. Liability here IMHO.
– No support for keeping a record of completed tasks. When an item was created, when it was completed — thats all I want. Clear doesnt make it possible to keep this info, and makes it a bit too easy to DELETE all completed tasks — esp. on Clear for iPhone.
– No way to move a bunch of items from one list to another at once.
– No way to create a backup of all your Clear data.
– No way to export all data without a lot of hassle. You CAN email each list to yourself, then copy the list and paste it into another document. But no due dates make the journey.
– No way to export any completed items. The makers of Clear assume that you don’t care about the tasks you’ve done once you’ve done them, and that you can’t wait to delete all completed tasks. I’m happy to get them out of my face, but I REALLY like keeping a record of what I’ve done, and when I did what I did.
– While the character count for each task is large in Clear, there IS a limit. Clear does NOT make this limit clear (npi) however, and it’s left as an unpleasant surprise to the user. For eg a giant copy/paste job will show up fine in a task item on Clear for Mac, but then the item will show up truncated on Clear for iPhone — and vice-versa.
THE TAKE-HOME: As wonderful and simple as Clear is, its limitations are too limiting for me. It may be PERFECT for others though, esp. those who dont care as much about its limitations. For such folk, I heartily recommend Clear. And who knows, I may come crawling back to it myself — after my current attempt to leave it (for either Habitica or Todoist, FWIW; I’ll try them in that order). At the very least, I will keep Clear on my iPhone, for a quick & dirty (temporary) text entry place on my iPhone. And if Realmac (Clears makers) can address these limitations, I will quite likely come back.